Dr. Katarzyna Walczewska-Szewc
- Contact
- Institute of Physics, Nicolaus Copernicus University
Grudziadzka 5, 87-100 Toruń, PolandE-mail: kszewc@fizyka.umk.pl Phone: +48 56 611 3346
Office: 573 - Scientific Interests
- Potassium channels and their dynamics, photo-switchable drugs, protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions, enhanced sampling techniques, advanced Monte-Carlo techniques to interpret FRET experiments in various geometries and configurations.
Scientific Career
- Since 2020
- Assistant Professor at the Institute of Physics NCU (Toruń, Poland).
- 2018-2020
- Postdoc Researcher at the Institute of Physics NCU (Toruń, Poland).
- 2012-2015
- Researcher at the Research School of Biology, Division of Biomedical Science and Biochemistry Australian National University, Australia, the group of Prof. Ben Corry.
- 2010-2015
- PhD in Physical Sciences at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Gdańsk University (Gdańsk, Poland).
- 2012-2015
- PhD in Biomedical Science and Biochemistry at the Research School of Biology, Australian National University (Canberra, Australia).
- 2004-2009
- MSc in Astronomy at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, NCU (Toruń, Poland).
Thesis: [Correlation between the X-ray and gamma-ray emission of HBL type blazars ]
Ukulele playing, kniting, sport climbing